Senast uppdaterat
21 januari
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"Cam" o flage
"Aim" point
Larma Lotta
Valparna föddes 20 juni 5 Tikar och 3 hanar.
S64303/2009 SLCH Korad Maibe Tail´s Leasy
WTCH JS-E-OP GS-E-OP RS-E RO-N S Bar L Coleman BH, Agility A3, Rally-O RO 3, CHR, CHR I, CHR II
Jag träffade Spencer när vi var i Hollan i maj 2016 och blev omåttligt förtjust. Det första jag egentligen såg av honom var när han på tävlingen hjälpte till att hämta fåren på gärdet och gjorde ett fantastiskt fint hämt. Lugn, stabil, vänlig, en hund som bara fastnade i sinnet på något sätt. Tanken var från början att använda honom på Tres, men när nu möjligheten öppnade sig att använda Leasy på en sista kull så omvärderade jag frågan och använder honom på Leasy istället.
Thank you Kerstin and Michelle!
Vi har komunicerat en del och här är:
Kerstins ord om Spenser
Kerstins words about Spencer
What can I tell you about Spencer? He was our first puppy, Aussie and male. Before we had only an adult dog out of a shelter.
When I was looking for a healthy Aussie who shall be mostly a pet and easy family member and can do some fun agility – nothing serious - I found Sandra Zilch only in 50 km distance from our home. I really liked the parents and decided to take a puppy. But though there were several pups with white collars and wonderful markings the whole family (and Spencer) decided that the boy with the most black shall come with us. And it was obviously the right decision. We have a wonderful family member who is calm at home and playful – also with kids – outside.
But we got also soooo many bonus points. When Spencer was several months old we took place in a trick class but he learned so fast that we competed with 13 months at an animal fair in-between hundreds of other dogs and people. It wasn’t really good because it was also my first dogdance competition but young Spencer was focused on me and did his very best.
My first dog was a mixture German shepherd/Schnauzer. With her I learned agility in a moderate pace. When Spencer was old enough for agility I have to learn it again in a new matter because he was very fast. But on my first MVA (competition of the Most Versatile Aussie of Europe) he helped me as much as he could because I had a broken rip and couldn’t really run. I also didn’t know anything about ASCA Obedience and Rally-Obedience but Spencer has a nice heelwork. So I read the rule books, looked some youtube videos, got an introduction from friends the evening before and qualified all my runs. And after trialing in Obedience, Rally-obedience, Agility, Herding and Confirmation we got the 2nd place overall. Gooood boy!
Spencer always tries to figure out what he can do for me. He has much ‘will to please’ and a cool brain. He also works with other persons. The last months my knee was injured so I couldn’t really do agility. I tried it with my young inexperienced dog Filou and lent Spencer to several people in training – no problem. He also had a clean run and a 5th place in Agility class 3 though he had never run with this person before.
I can’t say how good Spencer can be at herding because I was a totally beginner and never had sheep for my own. But when a dog, training only every 2 weeks, and with an owner who disturbed him more than helped him I got his WTCH at the age of 3 years and also some ‘High in Trial’ and ‘High Combined’ then Spencer couldn’t be worse.
Du kan läsa mer om Spencer på Kerstin Herzmanns hemsida
Michelles ord om Leasy:
Michelles words about Leasy:
She does everything for you, just to please and because she loves it! Doesn’t matter what it is. Everything you do with her gets fun because you can see how much she enjoys it! She has a lot of intensity and always give 100% but as soon as you ask her to lay down and rest/wait for her turn she is directly very calm and have no problem relaxing! Which is one thing I always get a lot of credit for, but it’s her way to be, she is very confident and comfortable with herself. Inside she loves to cuddle and are never stressed, she has a very cool impression and adapts very easy to all kinds of situations.
With people, she adores the ones she gets to know and with new people she doesn’t care more than necessary. She has no problem with kids and loves to play with them!
Mina egna funderingar:
My own reflections:
Av denna kombination förväntar jag mig hundar med mycket "will to please" stor arbetslust och arbetsmoral. Hundarna är väldigt lika varandra till temperament och sätt att vara. Spencer är en välmeriterade hane WTCH, JS-E-OP GS-E-OP RS-E RO-N S Agility A3, Rally-Obedience RO3, CHR, CHR1, CHR2) Leasy är Svensk Lydnads champion samt Korad.
Leasys valpar i den tidigare kullen har verkligen visat framfötterna och dom är inte 3 år ännu. En hane uppflyttad Elit spår, en Gk högre spår, en Uppfl Appell spår samt Gk MT = Korad och min egen Tres är WTCH vilken hon blev 26 månader gammal.
For this combination I expect dogs with a lot of "will to please" great zeal and work ethic. The dogs are very similar in temperament and way of being. Spencer is a merited male WTCH, JS-E OP GS-E OP RS-E RO N S Agility A3, Rally Obedience RO3, CHR, CHR1, CHR 2) Leasy is Swedish Obedience Champion (It corresponds to Class 3 FCI obedience champion)
Leasys puppies in the previous litter has really proven themselves and they are not three years yet. One male promoted Elite track, Gk higher track, a Uppfl Call tracks and Gk MT (Can not explain this qualification in English, it is the highest mental track you can get in Sweden) and my own Tres is WTCH which she was 26 months old.
Stamtavla/Pedigree on Spencer
Stamtavla/Pedigree on Leasy